November 3rd 2021

10AM - 2PM

This virtual course will be hosted via Zoom on 3rd November 2021 between 10AM and 2:00PM. Participants will be admitted from 9:30 onwards. 

To book a place click on Take This Course where you will be taken to a checkout to create an account and purchase your place.

The course will then appear on your Learning Dashboard ready for when the session begins. Click on “Start This Course” to access the Zoom Link

Once the Zoom session has ended you will be required to complete a short evaluation form which, when completed and submitted will generate you a downloadable certificate.

If you have any issues in booking or using the platform please email


Course Description

Leaving care is a significant milestone in a young person’s life and it is one of the most difficult and emotionally challenging times in their journey. After years of living in a risk adverse system surrounded by restrictions and rules, the prospect of independence can be exciting. No more rules, no more meetings, no more social workers, no more controlling adults.
The time to escape this system has finally arrived. Equally the thoughts of losing all support, having to fend for themselves, worrying about how they may support themselves if anything goes wrong can be overwhelming and frightening.
It is important to understand the issues that young people leaving care face and find ways of providing a new kind of support that will help ease the tension and support young people as they venture out of this system and into the world of independence.
This course looks at the leaving care and the issues young people face as they “age out” of the care system and provides a number of tools to help foster carers better understand what their young people may be going through.

Course Durarion

Unlimited Duration

Course Category

Presented by

About Us

We want to stop children being moved from home to home by standing as an advocate for the “naughty kids” and promote a new perspective of care and give a new, deeper level of understanding.

Great Dunmow, Essex, UK

+44 (0) 1371 513 038
